When a consumer purchases an item, service, or product, it is evident that the person paying for it trusts it on some level. When we, as a business, combine our revenue-generating activities with a suitable marketing strategy, as well as the ever-expanding marketing ploys and strategies that are being employed, it becomes more difficult to grab not just customers' attention, but also to develop long-term trust and loyalty. Building trust is one of the most crucial components of every relationship, especially when it comes to maintaining long-term relationships.
Transparency inside your business, combined with treating clients as individuals, leads to excellent long-term connections. Your brand will be significantly more likely to keep its clients once trust has been developed.
According to current Trust Barometer Surveys, there is a significant difference between the number of consumers who trust their brands and the degree of trust that exists between the consumer and the brand in the marketplace:, there is a only 34% of consumers say they trust the brands they use or buy from.
Those who believe in their brands are twice as likely to stick with them and promote them to others. Keep in mind that individuals are frequently led by their first impressions of others. It’s exactly the same with a product or service. That initial impression sets the tone for the relationship that is to follow. Similarly, if a customer's first connection with a brand is enjoyable and fulfilling, the customer is more likely to want to continue cultivating that relationship, which leads to more interactions.
Customers assess commercial relationships in the same way they would a personal relationship. Yes, you read that right: consumers form personal ties with the brands they choose to deal with! As a result, your ability to create trust will be determined by how successfully you maintain that relationship. Relationships, whether personal or professional, must be nourished in order to flourish. If a customer believes you aren't upholding your half of the bargain, they will immediately look for someone who does. And, of course, when your consumers have faith in you and the relationship you have built with them, they are more inclined to pay attention to you and your marketing and communication efforts.
Customers want unique and tailored interactions as a result of their engagement with you... and they expect you to know who they are and engage with them accordingly. They must have a sense of belonging to the brand; because in certain ways, the brand also ‘belongs' to them as well.
More personalised videos can really hit the mark in terms of brand relationship building. #Eatpopcorn’s marketing and product Videos allow your brand to address each customer in a personal manner across multiple segments and points in your customer interaction journey – at the same time.