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Grab A Prospects Attention In 60 seconds
| Know the Basics | 0 Comments |
As a sales professional or business owner, youre always selling yourself or your product. Whether you're attending a networking event or trade show, you only have a few seconds to introduce yourself and grab the prospects attention. Do you remember how you introduced yourself to a prospect at the last networking event you attended?
How do client’s find you online?
You wouldn't buy a car without the steering wheel, or accept to be served your meal at a restaurant without cutlery - then why have a website with no SEO implementation? With more than 1 billion websites online today, the competition on search engines can be tough. If you want people to find your website, investing some time on your website's SEO is a must.
3 Tips To Help Your Online Video Marketing
Got a new business product but dont know where to start? Video marketing just might be for you. This article discusses video marketing, its advantages and a short guide on how to make a video perfect for any marketing campaign.
Getting Noticed on the Internet
| Know the Basics | 0 Comments |
The Internet has grown from a small network of academics needing a way to trade research into a world-spanning, ubiquitous marketplace and repository for nearly every possible kind of information and knowledge. How does a small business avoid being washed away in the constant tide of buying, selling and marketers hawking every conceivable item (and some difficult to conceive…)?
Introduction to Branding: Who are you?
| Know the Basics | 0 Comments |
There is such a lot of talk going around about branding, but what exactly is your brand and how do you use it to help you reach more people and market your products or services?